The combination of black walnut and metal, as well as the metal rings on the legs, create a luxurious quality. The design of metal components is meticulous and the craftsmanship is precise. The platform at the bottom is for slippers. By changing position of the mirror, you can adjust it to your height. On one side there are five turnable trays to collect your smaller items and jewelry and on the other side, there are metal bars that you can swing out to hang your trousers or other clothes. In addition, it can also be used as a screen to make your room more beautiful.
丹麦著名设计师, Mexarts漾美Noir系列主设计师。 Hans Thyge生于1957年,他的作品以雕塑感的有机线条结合强烈的素材、工艺细节诠释经典, 曾多次选行国际性作品发表和个人展览,受到全世界的广泛认可。
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